George A. Sprecace M.D., J.D., F.A.C.P. and Allergy Associates of New London, P.C.

Asthma and Other Allergies:  What's It All About?

It's about discomfort and serious diseases that require an accurate diagnosis.

The key is a knowledgeable history taken by an experienced, Board Certified specialist in Allergy and Immunology
(American Board of Medical Specialties)

Supporting studies may include selected skin tests. ( Blood tests - rast - are less sensitive and rarely useful)

Treatment also requires knowledge and experience in the specialties of Internal Medicine  and Pediatrics.  Treatment that includes only medications without dealing with causes is inadequate, and may be harmful-at least because of delay in obtaining adequate care.

Since most Bronchial Asthma is allergic in origin and mechanism of injury, complete treatment of this serious disease often requires Allergy Immunotherapy (desensitization), which is  safe and effective in experienced hands in producing both stabilization and often reversal of the disease process.  This is well documented in the medical literature and in long
practice experience.

Asthma is the most underestimated and under-treated serious disease in America today, despite good medications and treatment available;  this is one reason for the nation-wide epidemic of deaths from asthma experienced in the last 15 years.

In addition C.O.P.D. often has an asthmatic component that is diagnosable, treatable, and potentially reversible.


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